Results for 'Jane Kabutu Gatumbu'

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  1. The Epistemic and the Zetetic.Jane Friedman - 2020 - Philosophical Review 129 (4):501-536.
    Call the norms of inquiry zetetic norms. How are zetetic norms related to epistemic norms? At first glance, they seem quite closely connected. Aren't epistemic norms norms that bind inquirers qua inquirers? And isn't epistemology the place to look for a normative theory of inquiry? While much of this thought seems right, this paper argues that the relationship between the epistemic and the zetetic is not as harmonious as one might have thought and liked. In particular, this paper argues that (...)
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  2. Rational Agnosticism and Degrees of Belief.Jane Friedman - 2013 - Oxford Studies in Epistemology 4:57.
    There has been much discussion about whether traditional epistemology's doxastic attitudes are reducible to degrees of belief. In this paper I argue that what I call the Straightforward Reduction - the reduction of all three of believing p, disbelieving p, and suspending judgment about p, not-p to precise degrees of belief for p and not-p that ought to obey the standard axioms of the probability calculus - cannot succeed. By focusing on suspension of judgment (agnosticism) rather than belief, we can (...)
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  3. Moore's paradox: A Wittgensteinian approach.Jane Heal - 1994 - Mind 103 (409):5-24.
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    (1 other version)Eight women philosophers: theory, politics, and feminism.Jane Duran - 2006 - Urbana: University of Illinois Press.
  5. Teleological epistemology.Jane Friedman - 2019 - Philosophical Studies 176 (3):673-691.
    It is typically thought that some epistemic states are valuable—knowing, truly or accurately believing, understanding. These are states it’s thought good to be in and it’s also said that we aim or want to be in them. It is then sometimes claimed that these sorts of thoughts about epistemic goods or values ground or explain our epistemic norms. For instance, we think subjects should follow their evidence when they form their beliefs. But why should they? Why not believe against the (...)
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    Transforming Traditions in American Biology, 1880-1915.Jane Maienschein & Regents' Professor President'S. Professor and Parents Association Professor at the School of Life Sciences and Director Center for Biology and Society Jane Maienschein - 1991
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    Transforming Traditions in American Biology, 1880-1915.Jane Maienschein - 1992 - Journal of the History of Biology 25 (1):157-162.
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    Sensory and verbal coding strategies in subjects with absolute pitch.Jane A. Siegel - 1974 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 103 (1):37.
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    Schiller's "On grace and dignity" in its cultural context: essays and a new translation.Jane Veronica Curran, Christophe Fricker & Friedrich Schiller (eds.) - 2005 - Rochester, N.Y.: Camden House.
    This is the first English scholarly edition of this pivotal essay, accompanied by the first comprehensive commentary on it.
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  10. How to think about thinking.Jane Heal - 1995 - In Martin Davies & Tony Stone (eds.), Mental Simulation: Evaluations and Applications - Reading in Mind and Language. Wiley-Blackwell.
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    Sense and Sensibility.Jane Austen - 1963 - Oxford University Press USA.
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    Character: A Humean Account.Jane L. McIntyre - 1990 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 7 (2):193 - 206.
  13. Indexical predicates and their uses.Jane Heal - 1997 - Mind 106 (424):619--640.
    Indexicality is a feature of predicates and predicate components (verbs, adjectives, adverbs and the like) as well as of referring expressions. With classic referring indexicals such as 'I' or 'that' a distinctive rule takes us from token and context to some item present in the content which is the semantic correlate of the token. Predicates and predicate components may function in an analogous fashion. For example 'thus' is an indexical adverb which latches onto some manner of performance present in its (...)
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  14. The Presidential Address: On First-Person Authority.Jane Heal - 2001 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 102 (1):1-19.
    How are we to explain the authority we have in pronouncing on our own thoughts? A 'constitutive' theory, on which a second-level belief may help to constitute the first -level state it is about, has considerable advantages, for example in relieving pressures towards dualism. The paper aims to exploit an analogy between authority in performative utterances and authority on the psychological to get a clearer view of how such a constitutive account might work and its metaphysical presuppositions.
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  15. An ethical approach to lobbying activities of businesses in the united states.Jane M. Keffer & Ronald Paul Hill - 1997 - Journal of Business Ethics 16 (12-13):1371-1379.
    This paper presents an ethical approach to the use of lobbying within the context of the relationships among U.S. organizations, their lobbyists, and government officials. After providing a brief history of modern-day lobbying activities, lobbying is defined and described focusing on its role as a strategic marketing tool. Then ethical frameworks for understanding the impact of these practices on various external constituencies are delineated with an emphasis on the communitarian movement advanced by Etzioni. Consistent with the call for "informed advocacy" (...)
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    Vulnerable Subjects? The Case of Nonhuman Animals in Experimentation.Jane Johnson - 2013 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 10 (4):497-504.
    The concept of vulnerability is deployed in bioethics to, amongst other things, identify and remedy harms to participants in research, yet although nonhuman animals in experimentation seem intuitively to be vulnerable, this concept and its attendant protections are rarely applied to research animals. I want to argue, however, that this concept is applicable to nonhuman animals and that a new taxonomy of vulnerability developed in the context of human bioethics can be applied to research animals. This taxonomy does useful explanatory (...)
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    Art expertise modulates the emotional response to modern art, especially abstract: an ERP investigation.Jane E. Else, Jason Ellis & Elizabeth Orme - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  18. Using Power/Fighting Power.Jane Mansbridge - 1994 - Constellations 1 (1):53-73.
  19. On grace and dignity".Jane Veronica Curran, Christophe Fricker & Friedrich Schiller - 2005 - In Jane Veronica Curran, Christophe Fricker & Friedrich Schiller (eds.), Schiller's "On grace and dignity" in its cultural context: essays and a new translation. Rochester, N.Y.: Camden House.
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    Biology and the foundation of ethics.Jane Maienschein & Michael Ruse (eds.) - 1999 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    There has been much attention devoted in recent years to the question of whether our moral principles can be related to our biological nature. This collection of new essays focuses on the connection between biology, in particular evolutionary biology, and foundational questions in ethics. The book asks such questions as whether humans are innately selfish, and whether there are particular facets of human nature that bear directly on social practices. The volume is organised historically beginning with Aristotle and covering such (...)
  21.  28
    The prosodic property of lexical stress affects eye movements during silent reading.Jane Ashby & Charles Clifton Jr - 2005 - Cognition 96 (3):B89-B100.
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    Towards a Feminist Reassessment of Intellectual Virtue.Jane Braaten - 1990 - Hypatia 5 (3):1 - 14.
    This paper presents an argument for reconceptualizing (human) intelligence as intellectual virtue, and makes some proposals as to how we would understand intellectual virtue if feminist values were taken into account. Several abilities are identified which are closely connected to one aim that is common to most feminists: the building of communities in which well-being is possible.
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    Changes in U.s. Men's attitudes toward the family provider role, 1972-1989.Jane Riblett Wilkie - 1993 - Gender and Society 7 (2):261-279.
    This article examines changes in men's attitudes toward the family provider role using data from the National Opinion Research Center, General Social Surveys for 1972 through 1989. Men's attitudes have become more egalitarian over this period; however, men approve more of sharing provider-role enactment than of sharing provider-role responsibility. Cohort succession was a more important source of change than change within cohorts. Differences among men in attitudes toward the provider role were associated with differences in men's provider-role experiences, although there (...)
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    Innovative surgery: the ethical challenges.Jane Johnson & Wendy Rogers - 2012 - Journal of Medical Ethics 38 (1):9-12.
    Innovative surgery raises four kinds of ethical challenges: potential harms to patients; compromised informed consent; unfair allocation of healthcare resources; and conflicts of interest. Lack of adequate data on innovations and lack of regulatory oversight contribute to these ethical challenges. In this paper these issues and the extent to which problems may be resolved by better evidence-gathering and more comprehensive regulation are explored. It is suggested that some ethical issues will be more resistant to resolution than others, owing to special (...)
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    (1 other version)Language, Thought and Consciousness.Jane Heal - 1999 - Philosophical and Phenomenological Research 59 (2):553-555.
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    Contracting Compliance: A Discussion of the Ethical Implications of Behavioural Contracts in the Rehabilitation Setting.Jane Cooper, Ann Heesters, Andria Bianchi, Kevin Rodrigues & Nathalie Brown - 2019 - Canadian Journal of Bioethics / Revue canadienne de bioéthique 2 (2):97-101.
    The pervasive use of contracts in healthcare is a source of unease for many healthcare ethicists and patient advocates. This commentary examines the use of such contracts with individuals in rehabilitation settings who have complex medical and behavioural issues. The goals of this paper are to examine the many factors that can lead to contract use, to discuss some legal and ethical implications of contract use, and to assess contract use in light of concerns about health equity. The paper concludes (...)
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    Explicit performative utterances and statements.Jane Heal - 1974 - Philosophical Quarterly 24 (95):106-121.
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    Grounding "language" in the senses: What the eyes and ears reveal about Ming 名 (names) in early chinese texts.Jane Geaney - 2010 - Philosophy East and West 60 (2):pp. 251-293.
    For understanding early Chinese "theories of language" and views about the relation of speech to a nonalphabetic script, a thorough analysis of early Chinese metalinguistic terminology is necessary. This article analyzes the function of ming & (name) in early Chinese texts as a first step in that direction. It argues against the regular treatment of this term in early Chinese texts as the equivalent of "word." It examines ming in light of early Chinese ideas about sense perception, the mythology about (...)
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    Introduction to Special Issue: Theorizing Violence.Jane Kilby - 2013 - European Journal of Social Theory 16 (3):261-272.
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  30. Defining Biology: Lectures from the 1890s.Jane Maienschein - 1987 - Journal of the History of Biology 20 (2):283-284.
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    Regenerative Medicine in Historical Context.Jane Maienschein - 2009 - Medicine Studies 1 (1):33-40.
    The phrase “regenerative medicine” is used so often and for so many different things, with such enthusiasm or worry, and often with a sense that this is something radically new. This paper places studies of regeneration and applications in regenerative medicine into historical perspective. In fact, the first stem cell experiment was carried out in 1907, and many important lines of research have contributed since. This paper explores both what we can learn about the history and what we can learn (...)
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  32. Strength of mind: Prospects and problems for a Humean account.Jane L. Mcintyre - 2006 - Synthese 152 (3):393-401.
    References to strength of mind, a character trait implying “the prevalence of the calm passions above the violent”, occur in a number of important discussions of motivation in the Treatise and the Enquiry concerning the Principles of Morals. Nevertheless, Hume says surprisingly little about what strength of mind is, or how it is achieved. This paper argues that Hume’s theory of the passions can provide an interesting and defensible account of strength of mind. The paper concludes with a brief comparison (...)
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    "Writing and Sexual Difference": The Difference within.Jane Gallop - 1982 - Critical Inquiry 8 (4):797-804.
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    Governance of research consortia: challenges of implementing Responsible Research and Innovation within Europe.Jane Kaye, Sarah Coy, Heather Gowans, Miranda Mourby & Michael Morrison - 2020 - Life Sciences, Society and Policy 16 (1):1-19.
    Responsible Research and Innovation (‘RRI’) is a cross-cutting priority for scientific research in the European Union and beyond. This paper considers whether the way such research is organised and delivered lends itself to the aims of RRI. We focus particularly on international consortia, which have emerged as a common model to organise large-scale, multi-disciplinary research in contemporary biomedical science. Typically, these consortia operate through fixed-term contracts, and employ governance frameworks consisting of reasonably standard, modular components such as management committees, advisory (...)
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    Vigilance, arousal, and habituation.Jane F. Mackworth - 1968 - Psychological Review 75 (4):308-322.
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    Arguments for Experimentation in Biology.Jane Maienschein - 1986 - PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 1986:180 - 195.
    By 1900 most biologists accepted experimentation as appropriate for at least parts of biology. Some claimed experimentation as the best or only proper approach to biology, while others regarded it as an acceptable addition to existing methodologies. Different researchers defined experimentation in different ways, and they held different aspirations for their experimental programs. This paper explores three sets of ideas, represented respectively by the French in the 1870s, the Germans in the 1880s, and the Americans in the 1890s. It examines (...)
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  37. Needed: A new paradigm for liberal education.Jane Roland Martin - 1981 - In Jonas F. Soltis & Kenneth J. Rehage (eds.), Philosophy and education. Chicago, Ill.: University of Chicago Press.
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    A Contingency Theory of Accountability.Jane Mansbridge - 2014 - In Mark Bovens, Robert E. Goodin & Thomas Schillemans (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Public Accountability. Oxford University Press.
    Accountability has recently become synonymous with punishment, or sanctions, thus marginalizing the traditional definition of accountability as giving an account and justifying one’s actions to those to whom one is responsible. Sanction-based accountability is appropriate in contexts of justified distrust. Trust-based accountability, which relies heavily on giving an account, is most appropriate in contexts of justified trust. Sanction-based accountability can undermine trust-based accountability. Dynamic accountability, appropriate for conditions of complexity and change, involves both sanctions and trust, allowing principals and agents (...)
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    Renegotiating ethics in literature, philosophy, and theory.Jane Adamson, Richard Freadman & David Parker (eds.) - 1998 - New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press.
    Is it possible for postmodernism to offer viable, coherent accounts of ethics? Or are our social and intellectual worlds too fragmented for any broad consensus about the moral life? These issues have emerged as some of the most contentious in literary and philosophical studies. In Renegotiating Ethics in Literature, Philosophy, and Theory a distinguished international gathering of philosophers and literary scholars address the reconceptualisations involved in this 'turn towards ethics'. An important feature of this has been a renewed interest in (...)
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    ‘Elementary Principles of Education’: Elizabeth Hamilton, Maria Edgeworth and the Uses of Common Sense Philosophy.Jane Rendall - 2013 - History of European Ideas 39 (5):613-630.
    SummaryBoth Maria Edgeworth and Elizabeth Hamilton drew extensively on Scottish moral philosophy, and especially on the work of Dugald Stewart, in constructing educational programmes that rested on the assumption that women, and especially mothers, were intellectually capable of understanding the importance of the early association of ideas in the training of children's emotions and reasoning powers. As liberals they found in Stewart's work routes toward intellectual and social progress—both for women and for their society as a whole—that stopped short of (...)
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    Adaptations: History, Gender, and Political Economy in the Work of Dugald Stewart.Jane Rendall - 2012 - History of European Ideas 38 (1):143-161.
    Summary This paper notes and explores the attraction of Dugald Stewart's moral philosophy for women readers and a few women writers. Student lecture notes reveal the chronological development of his ideas, as he drew upon the works of Thomas Reid, Adam Smith, and Adam Ferguson, and responded to political events. Particular attention is paid to Stewart's comments relating to women and gender, through discussions of education, the institution of marriage, and population questions. After 1800, he shifted away from a speculative (...)
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    Further Remarks on the Consistency of Hume's Account of the Self.Jane L. McIntyre - 1979 - Hume Studies 5 (1):55-61.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:55. FURTHER REMARKS ON THE CONSISTENCY OF HUME'S ACCOUNT OF THE SELF Philosophers no longer discuss Hume's account of the self solely in order to attack it. In separate comments prompted by my paper "Is Hume's Self Consistent?" Biro and Beauchamp join the camp of the defenders of Hume's view. As another member of this group, I share their desire to give a sympathetic interpretation of Hume's discussion of (...)
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    “Not all Differences are Created Equal”: Multiple Jeopardy in a Gendered Organization.Jane Ward - 2004 - Gender and Society 18 (1):82-102.
    The dictate in feminist intersectional theory to not “count oppressions” is difficult to reconcile with the experience of many lesbians of color that “not all differences are created equal” inside social movement organizations. Meso-level factors, such as organizational structure and sociopolitical environment, may result in the perception of individuals or groups that one form of structural inequality is more oppressive than others. The author focuses on the experiences of lesbian staff and clients at Bienestar, a large Latino health organization in (...)
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  44. Contesting Nature/Culture: The Creative Character of Thinking.Jane Bennett & William E. Connolly - 2002 - Journal of Nietzsche Studies 24 (1):148-163.
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    Unmasking the Big Bluff of Legitimate Governance and So-Called Independence: Creolizing Rousseau through the Reflections of Anna Julia Cooper.Jane Anna Gordon - 2018 - Critical Philosophy of Race 6 (1):1-25.
    This article explains what is meant by the creolizing of ideas and then demonstrates it through exploring a political observation about political illegitimacy made by eighteenth-century Genevan social and political thinker Jean-Jacques Rousseau and creolized when the nineteenth-century African-American educator and social critic Anna Julia Cooper argued that the ideal of independence that lay at the core of political doctrines of republican self-governance relied on forms of willful blindness that cloaked the ongoing dependence of all human beings on one another. (...)
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    Ethical Ruminations of a Rheumatologist: Autoimmunity Is an Important Consideration for Immunotherapy Trials.Jane S. Kang - 2018 - American Journal of Bioethics 18 (4):75-76.
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    Disability, Teleology, and Human Development in German Idealism.Jane Dryden - 2023 - Journal of Philosophy of Disability 3:147-178.
    German idealist philosophers Kant and Hegel, who have had a significant influence on contemporary social and political theory, both insist on universal human freedom and dignity. However, they maintain teleological frameworks of human development which depend on distancing free and rational human agency from nature, leaving animality and “savageness” behind for a rational and spiritually developed future. This has implications for their implicit and explicit accounts of disability, which risk being reiterated today: insofar as disability is associated with being a (...)
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    Research Participants' Views on Ethics in Social Research: Issues for Research Ethics Committees.Jane Lewis & Jenny Graham - 2007 - Research Ethics 3 (3):73-79.
    The study reported in this paper explored the ethical requirements of social research participants, an area where there is still little empirical research, by interviewing people who had participated in one of five recent social research studies. The findings endorse the conceptualization of informed consent as a process rather than a one-off event. Four different dynamics of decision-making were followed by participants in terms of the timing of decisions to participate and the information on which they were based. Multiple information (...)
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    Feminism.Jane Mansbridge & Susan Moller Okin - 1996 - In Robert E. Goodin, Philip Pettit & Thomas Winfried Menko Pogge (eds.), A Companion to Contemporary Political Philosophy. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 332–359.
    Feminism is a political stance more than a systematic theory. Political life forms its base: its goal is to change the world. Like Marxism, or any other movement aimed at political change, its thought is inextricably mingled with action. Unlike Marxism, an ideology initiated by a single man, feminism is essentially plural. It is thought derived implicitly from the experience of every woman who has resisted or tried to resist domination.
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  50. Explaining, understanding, and teaching.Jane Roland Martin - 1970 - New York,: McGraw-Hill.
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